Fact Checked

According to the Alberta Farmer Express, the recent bouts of hot weather was able to slow down the stripe rust epidemic that has affected a lot of wheat fields in the southern part of Alberta including Lethbridge. However, this does not mean that the hot weather is only bringing good news to residents. Even though the hot and dry weather is good for crops, it does not mean that it is also good for the human inhabitants of Lethbridge. This is because the hot weather can cause many health problems ranging from mild ones such as heat rash to the more severe ones such as heat stroke. This is why it is important for residents to take Lethbridge first aid classes to learn the techniques that they can use to manage these emergency situations. Here are some of the procedures that they can learn from these classes.

Calling the paramedics or doctors

Calling the Paramedics

Calling the Paramedics

Knowing when to call the paramedics during an emergency or crisis can help save the lives of patients regardless of the cause of their medical condition. For patients who are suffering from heat-related complications or illnesses, rescuers are advised to call the paramedics if the patient is suffering from heat stroke or the patient is exhibiting the signs and symptoms of moderate or severe dehydration. if the patient who is experiencing the dehydration is a minor, rescuers should call the paramedics as soon as possible even if the child is suffering from mild dehydration.

Lower the body’s temperature

While waiting for the paramedics or coming to the aid of a patient who is suffering from other types of health-related illnesses that does not need the help or paramedics, lowering the body’s temperature should be the priority of first aid rescuers. One of the easiest ways to cool down the body’s temperature is to transfer the patient to a cooler location. Though induction, the patient’s body will eventually adapt to the cooler environment. Giving liquids especially water is highly recommended as well.

Provide proper ventilation

Applying crowd control techniques and opening windows are just some of the ways to provide proper ventilation to a patient. This is very important since people who are suffering from heat-related illnesses often find it hard to breathe because of lethargy which can cause the respiratory system to malfunction or even fail.

Even though all of these techniques are non-pharmacological, they are guaranteed to increase the survivability of patients who are suffering from heat-related illnesses. This is why residents should take Lethbridge first aid classes whenever they can in order to learn more about these first aid techniques as well as other procedures that they can use on patients who are suffering from heat-related medical emergencies or conditions.

The information posted on this page is for educational purposes only.
If you need medical advice or help with a diagnosis contact a medical professional

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