What is the Most Popular First Aid and CPR Course in Lethbridge, Alberta?

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Popular First Aid Training in Lethbridge
Do you wonder what is the most popular first aid course in Alberta?

Based on over a decade of registration data from St. Mark James Training, which operates over seven training centers across Alberta, the following is a breakdown of the most popular first aid and CPR training programs. These rankings are determined by the number of registrations to date:

Most Popular to Least Popular First Aid and CPR Courses

  1. Standard/Intermediate First Aid
    This course is the most popular, as it is one of the most comprehensive programs and is often required for academic and school-related purposes. It is also approved by Alberta Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S).
  2. Emergency/Basic First Aid
    Coming in second, this course is frequently mandated for workplace compliance and meets Alberta OH&S requirements.
  3. Basic Life Support (BLS) / CPR for Health Care Providers (CPR HCP)
    Ranking third, this CPR-only certification course is a requirement for many healthcare-related jobs. While it does not meet OH&S regulations, it adheres to the latest International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation (ILCOR) guidelines.
  4. Standard Childcare First Aid
    This course, required for many daycare and childcare professionals, ranks fourth. However, it does not meet OH&S standards.
  5. CPR Level C
    Fifth on the list, this course is ideal for lay rescuers seeking to learn CPR techniques for victims of all ages. It is occasionally required for workplace or academic purposes but is not OH&S-regulated.
  6. CPR Level A
    Ranking sixth, this course focuses on basic CPR for adult victims. It is sometimes required in workplace settings but is not regulated by OH&S.

Choosing the Right Course

No matter which course you choose, ensure you select a credible training provider and verify that the course aligns with your personal, professional, or academic needs.

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